Fieldwork 2008-2015

All in all nine field seasons dedicated to the documentation of the historical graffiti of the Great Enclosure of Musawwarat have taken place since early 2008 within the remit of the Musawwarat Graffiti Project. Field seasons lasted between two and six weeks and involved between two and five (in the spring 2015 season even eight!) actively recording participants at any time. Documentation first focussed on the eastern part of the Great Enclosure, especially on Temple 300 and the surrounding courtyards. It has expanded since into the area of Temples 100 and 200 as well as parts of Complexes 400 and 500. Due to the large data set and its intricacy documentation work is ongoing. Read below for short descriptions of foci, participants and sponsors of the individual field seasons.

Text: Cornelia Kleinitz (2014, last update: 2015)

Side Photo
Descriptive documentation of Temple 300 (photo: Cornelia Kleinitz, 2013)