Sixth Field Season (Autumn 2013)
The sixth field season of the Musawwarat Graffiti Project built on previous field seasons by systematically expanding the descriptive and photographic records on the Musawwarat graffiti. Documentation work focussed on Complexes 100 and 400, after previous field seasons had been dedicated to Complexes 200 and 300. The block-based documentation of the graffiti corpus followed the methodology established in the previous field seasons: The location, characteristics and the state of preservation of each block was noted. Each (potentially) artificial trace on each block surface was documented in the block sketches, and 'graffiti entities' that could be defined as such were classified, measured and described. 'Graffiti entities' were colour-coded in the field for quick recognition during the subsequent lab-based drawing process. Superimpositions and juxtapositions of 'graffiti entities' were documented. As had been observed in previous seasons, some sets of motifs are confined to specific walls or rooms.
Participants: Cornelia Kleinitz, Jens Weschenfelder, Juliette Brauer, Victoria Grünberg & Agata Sander
Dates: Oktober 2013
Duration: 3 weeks
Funding: Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project
Text: Cornelia Kleinitz (2014)